Serving Clients in Knox, Blount, Anderson, Loudon, Sevier & Roane Counties

Reduce the Cost of Your Divorce With a Lightly Contested Divorce

Degrees of Acrimony

As attorneys that practice in the area of contested family law issues, we encounter varying degrees of acrimony between parties. If there is a great deal of acrimony and distrust, your legal fees may be high because additional time will be required by your attorney to document details and get accurate information. We often receive requests for information about divorces that are perceived to be "uncontested or mutually agreed". The parties think because they both want a divorce, then it is uncontested. That is not necessarily the case.

Sometimes there is minimal acrimony and the parties arrive at a mutual decision that divorce is the best option and remain able to exchange information. This does not mean that the parties agree on every issue or that they have thought of all of the things that must be determined when a divorce occurs, but they have arrived at the decision that a divorce is the path that they are taking. The parties have also reviewed what they believe are issues to be decided and think they can reach an agreement.

If this is the case, then less time will be required by your attorney to get the necessary information.

Lightly Contested Divorces

"Lightly Contested Divorces" have minimal acrimony and some agreement on the issues. Furthermore, it is recognized that it is unlikely that litigation will occur. Based on our experience, these types of divorces will reach a resolution with some negotiation and documentation exchange.

How do you know if you have a lightly contested divorce?

1. Do you have minor children and have you agreed on a custodial arrangement that is best for the children?

2. Do you own a home and have you agreed if one of you is going to keep it or if it is going to be sold?

3. Do you feel knowledgeable about the finances of your family in terms of assets and debts including retirement and investment accounts?

4. Do you know what your monthly budget is going to be after divorce and have you and your spouse agreed on support such as child support or spousal support?

5. Have you and your spouse agreed to divorce?

If you have answered yes to these questions, then you may have a lightly contested divorce. If you have questions about what factors you need to consider, we can help.

Please call Held Law Firm 865-637-6550 to schedule a consultation.
