Serving Clients in Knox, Blount, Anderson, Loudon, Sevier & Roane Counties

Do High-Cost Weddings Create High-Quality Marriages?

“Crazy Rich Asians” is a recent movie depicting various family members attending a lavish wedding in Singapore. In the United States, with the average age of first time marriage parties increasing, the average cost of weddings is also increasing. What do these high-cost weddings say about the bride and groom?

For some, the expense of a wedding may be a testament to the strength of their love…  However, a recent study indicates that more expensive weddings do not necessarily result in more successful marriages.

There are so many factors that go into making a successful marriage but apparently spending an exorbitant amount on the wedding is not necessarily one of them. In addition, high-cost weddings often put extra financial strain on newly-wed couples (who, most of the time, are not “crazy rich”). 

At Held Law Firm, we believe that the expense of a wedding does not correlate with the quality of a marriage.  In addition, we believe that you do not have to spend an exorbitant amount to hire a quality divorce lawyer.

If you need some information about your options regarding a divorce, please call us at (865) 685-4780 to schedule a consultation. 
