Serving Clients in Knox, Blount, Anderson, Loudon, Sevier & Roane Counties

How Single Parenthood Affects Children

Research shows that the absence of one parent is thought to drive up rates of teen pregnancy, domestic violence, drug use and welfare dependence among their kids. Through this research, we can clearly see that single parenthood affects children. But does it always have to affect them negatively?

These outcomes aren’t a given. It’s important to remember that these consequences are often outweighed by those of living in a conflict-ridden home. These statistics also apply less directly to children of those who co-parent effectively. In other words, the chances of these problems emerging are reduced if both parents make an effort to maintain supportive relationships with their children.

Alicia Usry, a Held Law Firm client, has firsthand experience with the financial stress related to single parenthood“My 8-year-old has not taken well at all to my job. She really needs me more than ever right now, but I have to work so much just to make ends meet.”


Most clients come to Held Law Firm for a divorce. Luckily, part of the process involves setting and enforcing child support. We witness countless parents agonize over money, and for good reason. Divorce signifies a huge transition in several areas, not the least of which is one’s finances.

We recognize that single parenthood affects children. That’s why we work so hard to support our clients through this transitional time. We do this by being strong advocates for families, no matter how small those families are. We make every effort to ensure you can support your children. To do that, we can provide budget assistance, maintain lists of resources and help you decide your next steps.

That’s the difference between Held Law Firm and any other firm; we go the extra mile so that long after your case is closed, you can provide the stable and secure environment your children need to thrive. So, give us a call today at (865) 685-4780, and we’ll see what we can do for you.
