Serving Clients in Knox, Blount, Anderson, Loudon, Sevier & Roane Counties

Divorce Doesn’t Have to Make Thanksgiving Messy

Thanksgiving is time to sit back, eat delicious food, visit with your favorite people, and count the blessings in your life. Having the right divorce attorney helps ensure that a pleasant holiday isn’t ruined with unnecessary stressors.

Let’s look in on how a few (fictional) people are celebrating.

Jane Smith is hosting her first Thanksgiving dinner after her divorce. She’s in the house of her dreams (that she purchased with the money she received in her property settlement). Her parents are there, and for the first time, no one is arguing over politics. She’s thankful that she hired an experienced divorce lawyer who helped her plan out her post divorce life.

John Doe is watching football — all day long. He finally got to deep fry a turkey. He won’t have to get up on Black Friday to fight the crowds, and on Saturday he gets to take his son to a football game. He’s thankful that he hired the right child custody attorney to get him equal time with his child.

Billy and Suzy get to have two Thanksgiving dinners this year. They get to see their mom, dad, both sets of grandparents, and all the other family members they love. Most importantly, no one is fighting during dinner or arguing about what to watch on TV. They’re thankful because their parents knew to hire divorce lawyers that fight “for kids” instead of “over kids.”

How was your Thanksgiving? Do these seem like fantasies? They don’t have to be. Call us to schedule a case assessment, and see what your life can look like with the right guidance and an experienced attorney in your corner.
